Friday, December 12, 2014

CHRISTmas - Part 2

A poor, young teenage girl received a visit from an angel stating that she would be having a baby boy, who would be the Next Big King. She was engaged to be married but had never had sex so this seemed to present a little obstacle. The angel explained the details to Mary's satisfaction. Mary simply responded with this: "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said."

But how could she be so calm, so confident, so content with this life interruption and curve ball?

In 1863, a poor poet wrote words that have resonated with generations ever since. A couple years prior he watched as his wife died in their home due to a freak fire accident. Earlier in that year his son was critically injured in the Civil War. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow began writing a poem he despaired, to say the least. The words were of a lost cause, "Peace on Earth, Good will to Men." But while the Christmas bells rang louder that day something changed. He came to terms with the words he was writing.

But how could he find strength in the midst of such devastation, a nation at war, a dead spouse, and a critically wounded son?


An unplanned, seemingly shameful, pregnancy is not really the formula for peace. A war torn land, death, and tragedy do not project an outlook of hope. Somehow, in the midst of these life altering circumstances, there was peace. This peace was not something the world understood. This peace does not make sense. This peace is the joy of Trusting Jesus.

Where do you need peace?
What has life dealt you that has thrown you down, kicked you repetitively, and left you hopeless?
More Jesus will mean, more peace. May you find that this holiday season and no matter what comes your way.

Say these words of Mary: "God, I am yours. I will be OK with whatever happens."

Make this Christmas CHRISTmas!

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