Saturday, December 6, 2014

CHRISTmas - Part 1

Is your life one of CHRISTmas or CHRISTless?

In Spanish, the word mas means more. So is your life one of more Jesus or less Jesus?

In Luke 1:4-25, we read about the angel's visit to Zechariah during his burning of incense as he was fulfilling his priestly duty during temple worship. We also read that Zechariah and Elizabeth lived lives pleasing to God. They "walked in the commandments," meaning they lived a lifestyle that matched God's will for their lives. There was no doubt about where they stood before God and all who looked at them knew as well.

Gabriel, the angel, tells Zechariah that he and Elizabeth will have a baby and he will have a significant future. His name will be John. He will "turn the hearts of fathers to children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous."

The meaning is this: John will prepare people to experience Jesus. He will restore broken relationships between people. He will also bring people into a relationship with God.

Let me pose three questions for you to consider this Christmas season in light of where we might find and experience more Jesus.

1. Do you need to accept the grace God is offering to you? The people John preached to needed to move from walking in darkness to walking in the light, from disobedience to the wisdom of righteous, damnation to salvation, restoring their relationship with God. We need God's grace to begin living redeemed and experiencing the life God has planned just like the people to whom John preached.
2. Do you need to restore any broken relationships? The people John was ministering to lived in sin. And sin breaks relationships between people. Sin causes dissension, division, and destruction in earthly relationships. We need more Jesus to live in peace and harmony with the people we interact.
3. Do you need to correct any portion of your lifestyle so that there is no doubt about your walk with God? John's parents lived a life that modeled the behavior, attitude, and discipline to which God calls us. John had a wonderful example to follow and I wonder what example we are setting for our children, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. We need more Jesus to be effective in that endeavor.

Make this Christmas CHRISTmas!

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