Friday, October 24, 2014

TMNT Life in the Sewer - Pt 3

Raphael is the baddest turtle with the roughest attitude. He is the most violent and aggressive. He is sarcastic and cynical and pulls no punches. This turtle is 100% genuine though - what you see is exactly what you get.

Raffaello Sanzio, better known as Raphael, was painter and architect. He is one of the highest regarded painters of his time and stands next to Leonardo and Michelangelo. He is the youngest of our Renaissance counterparts but his work is just as significant.

His mom died when he was 8. He was orphaned at 11 after his father passed away but he had already learned much skill from his father who was an artist himself and had a flourishing workshop, which Raphael took over in some regard. As he grew older his talent only increased.

His most famous works were the slew of Madonnas. A Madonna is a depiction of Mary, the mother of Jesus. He painted around 30 in his short lifetime of only 37 years. These paintings are obviously religious and were extremely spiritual for people in the 16th century. The interesting thing about this is that there is a legend that Raphael was an atheist which brings some irony to these pictures. When asked about his reasoning he stated that he painted what the people wanted not what he personally believed.

Whether or not this is true is not the focus and I do not claim it as fact. I am simply highlighting the dynamic that even if Raphael was a follower of Jesus it is not the most prominent detail of his life. And a mention of religion says he did not have any.

Our two Raphaels seem to differ in the characteristic of TRUTH.

James 2 talks about showing favoritism and warns against it. James writes that it is no different than murder or adultery. What happens is that in showing favoritism a person judges and determines who is worthy of value. Favoritism is self-full in nature as it only serves to benefit the one showing it. So in showing favoritism one is making a strong statement of life away from Christ and now there is a case for hypocrisy if one proclaims to follow Jesus.

So what is TRUTH in your life?
What do you need to own up to? Life in Jesus does not mean we are perfect but it means we acknowledge and confess when we fail! This brings freedom.

Who have you decided is NOT deserving of worth?
Who do you need to show MORE favor toward?

This is the life that Jesus came to give us as stated in John 10:10 that we have looked at every week.

What is God asking you to do? Will you do it? Model this life for your teens and kids. Their eternity is counting on it.

As life takes you in the sewer...ask God to help you live in TRUTH!

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