Friday, September 26, 2014

TMNT Life in the Sewer - Pt 1

In 1983, two struggling artists were sitting around brainstorming and drawing. One of them drew a turtle with a ninja costume. The plot began to unfold, more turtles were added, and in an almost satirical manner, the storyline emerged. Japanese names were originally given to the turtles but that seemed too obvious, so the two artist went with a more ironic path and used famous Renaissance artists. So Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello were born. It stuck and the rest is history. Now we enjoy the heroics of these sewer dwellers.

Leonardo wears blue and is the leader of the four deemed so by their master sensei, Splinter. He is tactical, smart, courageous, always calm, cool, and collected. Wielding 2 long swords, Leonardo is the authoritative, sensible, and responsible character of the four and his ability to see the big picture enables him to make well informed decisions.

Leonardo da Vinci is a different sort of character with the biggest difference being in his humanness. He was the true Renaissance Man, a master of much. He was an painter, sculptor, inventor, scientist, and architect. He loved to learn and was driven to discover. Being so skilled he sometimes had a hard time finishing projects because he was quickly consumed by something else. The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are two of his most famous works.

In his wisdom and intellect he discovered many things. And being an artist and learner he felt that sight is man's most important sense. But he added something that goes beyond sight. "Saper Vedere" (knowing how to see)  was CRUCIAL to living all aspects of life full. This is like the story in Mark 8 when Jesus heals a blind man and when asked what he sees the man replies, "Trees walking around." Then Jesus touches him again and the man not only sees but understands.

In John 5 a man who has been crippled for 38 years lays every day by a pool of healing hoping to get in the pool in order to be healed. Jesus encounters the man and tells him to get up, take his mat and walk. The man obeys but finds ridicule from those who adhere strictly to the Sabbath rules, which states a person cannot carry his mat on the Sabbath.

Jesus has a fantastic response to both of these "lives in the sewer."

To the man healed he tells him that his 38 yrs of disability will be nothing compared to the HELL that will be if his heart does not change.

To the good Christian church going folks he says that do good is more important than following rules.

Both groups need the wisdom of Jesus, echoed in the words of da Vinci, "knowing HOW to see." Jesus, Leonardo da Vinci, and Leonardo the Turtle give the example that we must continually expand our perspective in order to experience the fullest life possible.

What are you seeing? In yourself, in others, in the world?
What does God want you to see?

As life takes you in the sewer...ask God to help you learn how to see!

Friday, September 19, 2014


While I was a little disappointed to dismiss our own youth group for the evening I am always encouraged by the ecumenical collaboration and worship of the community of youth groups. I realize and want to emphasize, that the larger work of God - his kingdom, is more important than our own small context at Mustang Church of the Nazarene, or even our own life. This is why we met and what we experienced Wednesday as we gathered with 3 other youth groups from Mustang.

Matt 13 has the account of Jesus telling the parable of the sower. The parable (story) is about the individual doing to planting and there are some significant truths from that perspective. But there is some strong implications for us to consider when looking at this story from the other side.

There are four types of soils mentioned - hard, shallow, congested, and fertile. The self reflection and conviction comes when identifying the condition of the soil of our heart.
   - too hard to receive new life, produce fruit, allow for growth
   - too shallow because of broken state from things past
   - too congested with things that choke out any attempts at growth
   - receptive to new life and able to sustain fruitful growth

There is an additional truth I want to add. The thing to note about the sower is that he sows all his seed in the SAME field. All four soils exist within the same place!!!

So what areas in your life need some serious work; too hard, too shallow; too congested? What places need ground work done in order for new life to be seen? Maybe your whole heart is in a certain state or condition which means your relationship with God is pretty much non-existent and the whole thing needs work, needs faith. But maybe, you are like me and most people who call themselves Christian, and some parts are wonderful and full of the evidence of Jesus' work in your life and other areas are disaster zones. Take faith in what Paul says as he experienced this very issue: "When I am weak...then I am strong." 2 Cor 12:10.