Friday, July 11, 2014

Invent ways to love

3 of the top inventions of all times (in my opinion) are the baby carrier, pb&j, and the spork. You may suggest electricity, the light bulb, the automobile, or the internet. But those are so mainstream and life could go on without them. But to carrying your baby is so consuming. Men found a way to hold their babies without holding them - genius. The pb&j combination is unmatched. Its creamy, nutty, sweet, and fruity properties slide their way to bliss in one's mouth and stomach, leaving a delectable aroma lingering on the lips. (I think I need one now.) The spork in undisputed in this title of most ingenious inventions. How is one supposed to eat ice & cake or a combination platter from Taco Bell? With what utensil should one properly navigate the solid-liquid nature or firm-runny state of these conglomerations? None other than a part spoon, part fork, a spork.

Why do we constantly see new inventions? Why are these invention in existence? Necessity breeds invention. We are prone to create where there is a need, a lack in efficiency, or struggle in work. It's part of life.

Paul writes to the Romans about something they have been inventing, "...ways of doing evil." (Romans 1:30). This was something that happened throughout scripture. Exodus 32 - Aaron and the Israelites invent an evil way of worship, a golden calf. 1 Cor. 11 - Christians recreate with evil execution the Lord's supper. It becomes a drunk buffet party for some leaving others starving.

In our world we do this in a variety of ways. Take the middle finger on your hand. It was created to be the strength of your grip and an asset in feel and manipulating things. It has been recreated to mean 'F' You. Or look at the rainbow...a beautiful creation of God's signing a promise he made thousands of years ago has now become the sign, symbol, stamp, and sticker of homosexuality.

We, as humans, have a tendency to take something beautiful or pure and distort it, turning it into something wretched.

WHY? Necessity breeds invention, right? So what is the need? Love, acceptance, fulfillment. We make sure we have value...even at the expense of others.

Look at the flip side: Can we invent ways to love? Yes but not on our own. God is the pioneer of love, the creator, the entrepreneur, the originator. He has created beauty and creativity and compassion. Gen 1:1 says, "In the beginning, God..." And in 1 John 4 we read "God is love." So substitute love for God and you get this in Gen. 1:1, "In the beginning LOVE..." If we are to invent ways to love then God must be the originator in our hearts. We must first receive His love and respond to his grace.

Do you need to repent of your evil inventions, receive God's grace?
   Let God cleanse you and make you new, restoring life to that which is dead.
Do you need to pursue inventive ways to love, extending God's grace?
   Find something to do with your family, at work, at church, in your neighborhood.
Maybe you just simply need to start "in the beginning" with God's love.

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