Friday, May 30, 2014

Soul Survivor - pt 1

Romans 8:25-39
What comes to mind with the word, CONQUEROR? Victory, knights, maybe kings and wars? I'm sure that word conjures up some interesting mental pictures.

A conqueror is naturally someone who conquers. And to conquer is to successfully overcome or take control. This seems like a great thing to be within the spiritual context. But I hold a different thought from Romans 8:37. Paul says that we're MORE THAN conquerors through him who loved us.

More than conquerors? What is that to be more than just a successful overcomer? Soul Survivor.

Why soul survivor? Because of Christ's love according to Paul. Through his love the sting of life's struggles is taken away. We are able to endure.

Looking at verse 35 we see how we are soul survivors. We are soul survivors...
in trouble (daily or personal problems)
in hardship (times of need)
in persecution (not just religious but all forms of harassment)
in famine (not simply starvation but any type of desperation)
in nakedness (more than nudity - literally shame)
in danger (fear is the root issue here)
in sword (death)

But why all this? John 16:33 Jesus says that "in this world you (and I) will have trouble, but take heart. (He) has overcome the world." So right in the face of life's difficult circumstances we WILL more than just win, we will live eternally with joy because of the love of Christ in us.

Do you know if you're a soul survivor? Well, how do you respond to problems, need, harassment, desperation, shame, fear, or death? If you are defeated in these areas maybe you need to let the Holy Spirit check and reveal where you're at. If you find yourself experience the full force and pain of these areas then you may not be living in the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

Today, you can be MORE than a conqueror. You can be a SOUL SURVIVOR!

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